Field School Program in Peru

The Field School Program in Peru provides students with the opportunity to carry out practical work in research programs led by some the most prestigious faculty members and scholars within the different academic areas at PUCP. This context allows participants to have a long-lasting, rich and fruitful academic and cultural experience. Throughout its eleven years of existence, the Field School Program has received around 350 students, increasing the number of participants every year. 

The field School Offers

Participating students will have the opportunity to live a unique and intensive field and research experience and have a direct approach to local people, with respect and openness to intercultural learning.

By going through each one of the stages required to carry out the field research processes in a systematic manner, at the end of the program, students will have expanded their knowledge of Peruvian history and culture, learned about the day-to-day activities of local inhabitants, improved their ability to analyze social aspects and contributed to the satisfaction of needs by applying theoretical concepts to local problems.

The experience gained in this course could be the basis for the development of future research topics at their universities.

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