For the 2016 season, we will be staying at two houses located in the city of Chepen. Our accommodations are not fancy in any way, yet they are much better than the usual archaeological living quarters. The hotel has different kinds of rooms accommodating multiple people, so expect to share your room with other students.
Our typical day starts at 6:00 am. Breakfast is self-served in our third-floor lab. We leave for the field at 6:45. The bus ride to SJM is only ten minutes, and work in the field starts sharply at 7:00 am until 1:00 pm, when we stop for lunch. Lunch is served in several houses in the town of SJM. We have arranged lunches with several families in town so that you have the chance to interact with the local people. These families are basically peasants, their food is good and healthy, and they really enjoy the experience.
We go back to work from 2:30 until 5:00 pm. Afternoons in SJM can be dusty, so the kind of work at that hour will depend on the conditions of the day. We should get back to the town at 5:30.
During the weekdays we scheduled talks by project members and guest speakers. These will take place in the hotel between 7:00 and 8:00 pm. At 8:00 dinner will be served, and that is it for the day. Saturdays we work only until 1:00 pm; the afternoon is free.
On Sundays we have planned visits to the most important sites in the north coast: Pacatnamú, Dos Cabezas and Pacasmayo, Huaca Bandera and the Sipán Museum and the Huaca de la Luna. On Saturdays and Sundays lunches will not be covered by the program, so that you can order whatever you want in the restaurants, but dinners will be covered.
In the hotel dining room there will be a little store that will sell snacks and soft drinks. Internet services will be available in the dining area for those that want to be connected.
Chepén – La Libertad.
Time period:1month/4 weeks.
Number of hours:180 hours.
Credits:6 credits
Language of Instruction:English
Elsa Tomasto, MA (PUCP)
Luis Jaime Castillo, Ph.D. (PUCP)
Luis Armando Muro, PhD.C (Stanford University)
Teaching Assistants/Staff:
Julio Saldaña (PUCP)
Karla Patroni (PUCP)
Fabrizio Serván (PUCP)
Ema Perea (UNT)
Hoover Cabanillas (UN