Fluvial Geomorphology, Precipitation and Drainage Patterns of the Upper Amazon System


Through work in the course program, the student will be able to:

  • Understand the morphologic characteristics of rivers located in the upper Amazon River basin and those of the Amazon River itself.
  • Know the state of the art of morphodynamic research on these rivers.
  • Get basic knowledge about the assessment of the risk of the Amazon dieback based on global models and how dieback may induce changes in the meandering and anabranching rivers.
  • Visit the aforementioned type of rivers and get a better understanding of the Amazon system
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Fluvial Geomorphology, Precipitation and Drainage Patterns of the Upper Amazon System


Lima and Iquitos

Time period

7 days.

Session Dates

Jul 7th to Jul 13th 2014


6 credits

Language of Instruction



Ronald Gutierrez, PhD. degree majoring in Water Resources from the University of Pittsburgh

Associated Instructors

Jorge Abad, PhD., Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh.